Swedish FHIR group

1.0 Introduction

​This ImplementationGuide is published by a collaborative group of Swedish stakeholders of healthcare IT systems. It includes implementation profiles, extensions and value sets created by the group. It also includes core profiles, value sets and extensions which have not been published by this group but are used in one way or another in the implementation profiles. One example is the Swedish base profiles which have been derived to implementation profiles published in this ImplementationGuide.

1.1 What we want to achieve

The goal of the joint collaboration is to unite the sector around implementations of FHIR profiles for Swedish healthcare. It should be able to contribute to an implementation that provides many integration possibilities/"plug and play". It should create cost efficiency for the industrial players who choose to implement these profiles. Of course with the basic aim of being able to deliver benefits to the business faster and more easily. That benefit is expected to be achieved through better integrations that provide less duplication of work, better information transfer, etc.

1.2 Published profiles

Name	FHIR resource
​PatientSeVendorLite	        Patient
​PractitionerSeVendorLite	Practitioner
​OrganizationSeVendorLite	Organization
ServiceRequestSeVendorLite	ServiceRequest

1.3 Ongoing/upcoming work

Profiles and workflow patterns for appointment bookings.

1.4 The collaborative group

The development, administration and publishing of the FHIR artifacts is carried out by a collaborative group with representation from


We meet biweekly to work with ongoing tasks. For hands-on profiling activities we usually book separate focus meetings for those interested. The biweekly meetings also functions as a review session of the created FHIR artifacts.

1.5 Want to collaborate?

We encourage collaboration and to sharing of knowledge in this area. If you are interested to join this initiative or collaborate in some other way, please contact us on: info@commonprofiles.care